Thursday, February 14, 2013

Unconditional Love

Unconditional Love

There are a number of scientific studies that show the power of love to heal, to renew, to rejuvenate, and actually change the biological age. There is no doubt that love heals,  renews, makes one feel safe, inspires, empowers and brings one closer to God.
There are studies that show when nurses bond with cancer patients, particularly women with breast cancer, if they give loving support to each other, the survival rate of the patient doubles.
If you happen to have had a heart attack and a nurse or social worker calls you once a week on the phone for about a minute and says, “Mr. Gupta how are you doing? We care for you; we love you,” your mortality rate post heart attack will drop by 60%. That’s with one phone call lasting less than a minute! If a drug did that and you didn’t use it, you would be sued for malpractice. But such is our bias that this is not considered remarkably effective therapy.
Love and spirit are the same force. That at the core of every being there is only love, because the core of every being is only spirit. It’s all-pervasive. And we experience it in our lives in the flavors of human relationship–with attraction, infatuation, communion and courtship, intimacy and sexuality, surrender and non-attachment, and passion and ecstasy.
Deepak Chopra says, “At the core of every being there is only love. Love and fear are the two main forces in the universe from where all other forces arise. Other negative forces are doubt and attachment. And the positive ones are truthfulness and non judgmental.
Can you hate a stranger? Can you hate someone standing on the 12th street 15thavenue atNew York? No! Because we do not know him, there is no bondage. You can only hate someone to whom you have loved.
What is darkness, it is absence of light. Darkness cannot be removed physically. It can only be removed by bringing back the light. Similarly there is nothing like hatred. It is absence or withdrawal of love one is having for him. Hatred can be removed only by bringing that love back.
Stress is nothing but the reaction of the body to the interpretation of a known situation. This is the interpretation, which withdraws the love and brings hatred in ones life. One needs to learn to interpret things differently and start analyzing things from other’s perspectives and not once own.
One should also learn to live in the present and base his or her actions on the observations as they are and not on analysis.
To practice the importance of love one should do the following exercise. Close your eyed, bring your awareness to the heart and ask yourself, repeatedly. What is the purpose of my life? You will never get an inner voice with negative statements, like killing some one, hurting some one, murdering some one, etc. You will only get positive affirmations like serving, loving, caring, helping, etc.
In a deep state of relaxation one is closer to the spirit. Spirit is pure love and hence the affirmations will be only the ones, which are the affirmations of spirit.
It’s the unconditional love, which is the main quality of spirit. Unconditional love is bondage and is a negative quality love. This type of love is full of attachment and desires. Once it is fulfilled it leads to addiction and if not it ends up in anger and destruction.

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