Saturday, May 25, 2013

2% versus 10% sugar

2% versus 10% sugar

White sugar is a slow poison. In our ancient Indian era, people used to consume either sugarcane juice, jagry or brown sugar (khand). There is no mention of use of refined white sugar. White sugar has high glucose index and is slow poison as over a period of time, it is responsible for high levels of insulin in the blood and subsequently,
insulin resistance.
Traditional soft drinks today have over 10% sugar and sweats have 30-50% sugar. Any sweet has minimum of 30% sugar but if made of chashni (concentrated sugar), the amount of sugar may be upto 50%. WHO recommends 2% of the sugar in oral rehydration solution as treatment of diarrhea and as rehydrating solution. The best way to take a soft drink to dilute it three times with water and soda and make it 2% solution which in a lemonade drink makes it like the ORS.
Both jagry and brown sugar are safe. The classical summer refreshing drinks are lemon, jagry and salt. Similarly, other refreshing drinks are sattu, khas khas, rose petal water etc. which can be made with jagry. Similarly, unripe mango panna or ripe mango shake can also be made using jagry or brown sugar.
A typical Laddu which is offered to God is never made in vanaspati ghee and refined sugar. They used to be made in desi ghee and either unrefined sugar or jagry.
Why Lord Ganesh despite having pot belly obesity ate lots of laddu yet did not suffer from diabetes? If he was offered present day laddu made with refined white sugar, he might have developed diabetes in that era.

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